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October 2006
Site actualisation
We suggest you to press `Actualise´ button in your explorer when you re-enter our internet site, because it has been recently actualised. Now you can access all our information both in english and spanish.

June 2006
Relaunch of www.adesa.com.ar
ADESA launches a new internet site: a redesigned interfase with updated information, pictures and references of our latest works, and many news and utilities for your periodical visit. We invite you to navigate it!

May 2006
Documentary on La Puna Gas Pipeline
ADESA joins one of its clients, Conta SRL, in the launch of this interesting documentary broadcasted on May 20, 2006, in the TV programme "Jorge Romano Presents.." on channel 27 in Buenos Aires.
Click here to view a demo of our commercial ad. (4.92 MB).